Space PowPow
- February 25, 2025 by CursorKeysRetroGames#space invaders, #space, #shmup, #shooter, #title, #titlescreen, #update, #bugfixesI am still working on the title screen. Let me know in the comments if you like the current iteration more or less then the previous one. As well I made another cover image for the game. So alot of ti... Continue reading
- February 20, 2025 by CursorKeysRetroGames#titlescreen, #title, #music, #dynamic pattern, #dynamicThis little update focuses on some bugs. Title screen improvements: In the title screen now you can see the enemies, and their point scores. The main logo is now color animated, to make it look a bit... Continue reading
- January 26, 2025 by CursorKeysRetroGames#retro, #shootemup, #shooter, #shoot, #spaceinvaders, #browserUpdate 4 for Space Pow Pow Space Pow Pow is now Beta! This version of Space Pow Pow, contains a host of changes and fixes. Go have a look and see yourself! The largest feature is the new intro story m... Continue reading
- January 19, 2025 by CursorKeysRetroGames1#retro, #indy, #indygame, #game animation, #shooter, #introI am working on an intro for the game SpacePowPow. Mostly it is about making the engine for making and defining an animation with sounds. The game itself, in case you are new to it, is a super small i... Continue reading
- December 30, 2024 by CursorKeysRetroGames1#retro, #indy, #indygame, #game animation, #shooter, #introI am working on an intro for the game SpacePowPow. Mostly it is about making the engine for making and defining an animation with sounds. The game itself, in case you are new to it, is a super small i... Continue reading
- October 11, 2024 by CursorKeysRetroGames1#retrogaming, #retro, #browser, #space, #shootemup, #shooterA small update. I added the support for "A" and "D" keys to function as left and right keys. Also I added a volume option (Press V to change volume), and an indicator that the game is in development m... Continue reading
- October 08, 2024 by CursorKeysRetroGames#mac, #apple, #macbook, #macbookpro, #retro, #game, #retrogame, #spaceinvaders, #spaceI just tested it on my Macbook pro, from around 8 years ago, and it seems to work fine, and not take too much power from it. This I was doing to try and ensure that my game-engine was working smoothly... Continue reading
- October 07, 2024 by CursorKeysRetroGames#spaceinvaders, #space, #retro, #16bit, #8bit, #syntectic, #lowres, #retrogameI've been working on a very simple, no bells and whistles space shooter. It is minimalistic in its approach. There is only you, your weapon, and the "Blergh" aliens. You need to save earth. The screen... Continue reading