Code like it's 1982
In the 80s, we did not have PCs, we had micro computers. The Commodore 64 is an 8 bit micro computer. What was special was that when you turned the computer on, you would enter Basic. And that was it. This made lot's of people learn to program in Basic. This emulator is trying to recreate that experience, by making Commodore Basic available in the Browser.

Here is a small movie to get a feel for it: (click on image below or here)

Basic64JS - how to get started with the demo disk

What can it do?

Your imagination is the only limitation. Program exactly what you want!
The output is limited to the Commodore 64 screen. But otherwise there is no limit.

Tell me more!
Basic64.JS is a javascript implementation of Commodore64 basic, that is intended to run in the browser. It looks and feels just like a Commodore 64. At first you probably think you are in an Commodore 64 Emulator. But it is not a machine emulator. It does not run machine code. It is designed to run Basic and Edit basic code, and be as good as it can, on that. It also has support for Peeks and Pokes, to emulated the VIC chip. And if you want to go a little beyond the limitations of the C64, you can enable the extension, to allow for more Basic commands. 

If you get lost, the documentation can be found here:


  • You can explore the Menu by pressing the TAB button.
  • Loading and Saving goes to the local browser cache (virtual disks).  You can edit export and import virtual disks. 
  • Download the demo disk.  Then import it.  This is full of sample basic programs.
    • To import, simply press TAB to enter the menu.  Use the cursor keys to navigate to the "Import" menu, and then go to "Import virtual disk"
    • Once imported, you need to select the disk. Press ESCAPE, to go to the top menu. Then go to "Virtual Disk" menu.  In here select Swap disk,  and select disk 2.
    • Now go again to the top menu pressing ESCAPE, and go to "Virtual Disk" and then go to "Load File".  Select the file you want to load, and press enter.  When loaded you will exit to Basic.  Here you can either list it, by typing "LIST", or run it, by typing the command "RUN".

Never tried Basic before?

If you have never tried Basic before, you can type in the below program to get started.

10 PRINT "<your name> was here "; <Enter>

20 PRINT GOTO 10 <Enter>

And then type the command RUN, followed by <Enter>

Give it a try &Have fun!


Download NowName your own price

Click download now to get access to the following files:

Demo disk: demo-pgm.vd64 533 kB

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